Coaching Programmes
With my professional training in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Archetypal Psychology, Inner Child Work, Somatic Embodiment, Yoga & Mindfulness, and Creative Arts Therapy, I combine the most effective coaching techniques with my personal first-hand experience to provide personalised programmes to meet your needs.
I offer a safe and intimate space where you will be listened to with a full heart. You will be asked questions to generate new insights, receive essential tools to overcome your challenges and take positive steps to feel empowered and energised to live the life you truly desire and deserve.
Company Support,
- Connect, Empower & Inspire -
Unique workshops tailored to the duration and content of your company and employees’ needs. Providing specialised training and coaching to elevate your well-being and receive the most effective tools and skills to flourish in your both your professional life.
“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” Ryunosuke Satoro
What you will receive :
Examples include but are not limited to;
How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome and Activate your Full Potential.
The Power of Vulnerability.
How to Manage Difficult and Effective Conversations.
Unleashing your Unique Gifts and Leader within… And more.
Workshops and courses are flexible in duration length and format, depending on how immersive and in-depth of an experience is needed.
Content is tailored to the imminent needs of your employees and company.
Options range from 1-hour mastermind webinars, to 4-weeks of in-depth group coaching, and individual coaching for those who are seeking personalised support.
Find My Feet
- Settle in & feel at home -
This 3-month coaching program provides 1-to-1 emotional and practical support to help you find your way. You’ll be given a safe and intimate space to express your emotions and develop new tools to overcome challenges so you can start living the life you truly desire.
“Home is not a place…it’s a feeling.” Celia Ahern
What you will receive:
3 months of consistent support including;
Bi-weekly sessions of 1-hour personalised coaching
Support in between sessions via e-mail.
A personalised “Well-Being Compass” to reflect and identify your current needs
Essential tools to cope with change, build resilience and confidence
A Step-by-step technique to manage your challenging situations and emotions (overwhelm, loneliness, frustration, doubt etc.)
A personalised, Action-Plan to ensure you are empowered to meet your goals.
BONUS GIFT: 1 x Personalised Audio Meditation to calm your mind and boost your mood at any time.
Dive Deep
- Discover, Define & Transform -
A 6-month transformative programme to discover your true values, to define your purpose, let go of what is holding you back and activate your potential. You will gain deep insights into what is most important to you and how you can live in alignment with your passions and your truest self.
“The willingness to empty ourselves and seek our true nature is an expression of great and courageous love.”Jack Kornfield.
What you will receive
6 months of consistent and individual support including;
Bi-weekly of 1-hour personalised coaching
Support via e-mail in-between sessions
A Personalised “Well-Being Compass” to identify your current challenges.
Unique “Self-Mapping” tools to build self-awareness and self-compassion.
Inner Child & Somatic Embodiment to build true confidence & worthiness
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Restructuring (CBT); the most effective technique to re-programme negative thoughts and gain an empowering mindset.
“Goal Setting with Intention” framework to discover your purpose and set goals that are aligned to what is truly important to you.
An Individualised Action-Plan for the following 3 months, to ensure you reach your goals and continue to thrive.
3 x Personalised Audio at-home Meditations for sleep, anxiety & stress, and self-compassion in times of need.
None of these quite suit you?
No problem, feel free to contact to discuss your needs and how I can best support you. I provide individual sessions and programmes that suit you.
Contact me for a free discovery call to connect, ask any questions and see how we can work together.