Heal the relationship to your body
- Silence Negative Thoughts - Embrace Your Body - Radiate Inner confidence -
Join a supportive group of women for a 6-week transformational coaching program to silence the negative voices that criticise and compare yourself to others. Experience a profound new level of appreciation, freedom and unshakeable confidence in the body and skin you’re in.

Welcome to the fierce revolution of women reclaiming our worth and embracing a loving relationship to our bodies.
It is for the woman who is tired of comparing herself to others and being affected by the impossible beauty standards women face today. She is ready to truly accept and embrace her unique, beautiful body. She craves an inner freedom and confidence that goes far beyond her physical body.
This 6-week transformational group program will provide powerful tools, deep inner healing, and a supportive community of women to heal your relationship with your body and become the confident and liberated woman you’ve always been.
This cohort is sold out.
Enter your e-mail below to be informed about the next one.
Online via Zoom
Join from the comfort of your own home
All sessions will be recorded

During my younger and adolescent years I was overweight, always feeling bigger and less attractive than my friends around me. Looking back, I know this was my way of coping with conflict and tension at home, and my sensitive nature. I didn’t know how to manage all the emotions I felt, and turned to food to comfort and soothe myself.
And so the negative cycle began: I felt anxious and sad, binged on food to comfort, then felt more shame and disgust with my body and binged again. This cycle continued for years leaving me feeling lonely, unattractive and lost.
Then, after ending my 7 year long relationship age 23, I flipped to the other dark side. Struggling to deal with the separation and grief, I began over exercising, restricting food and having bulimic tendencies for 5 years. I felt shame around what I was doing but didn’t know how to deal with it and constantly feared gaining weight again.
I just kept thinking ¨if I could be the perfect size, and have the perfect body, then I would feel that confidence and peace within¨. I was craving the external validation and worthiness from others. Yet my feeling of emptiness and low self-worth only got worse. My internal self-talk was critical and punishing, and my external actions went against my true values of what I knew it meant to love and care for my body . While the insecurities persisted, I knew deep down my heart and soul craved to be fully accepted as I am. But how?
This all led to a burnout, depleted and underweight, I didn´t have my period for 3 years, suffered from extreme digestive issues and more. My body was screaming out. ¨NURTURE ME, LOVE ME, EMBRACE ME!¨
It was finally time to go inwards. To stop searching for the approval from others and the perfect body to make me feel confident. The deep healing began.
So while the relationship to my body as been THE MOST CHALLENGING OF MY LIFE, it is also now THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND PROFOUND. The love, appreciation, joy and pleasure I feel with her now is like no other. And this is why I am SO PASSIONATE about helping you and as many women as possible do the same. I have poured my heart and soul into this program, with a fierce combination of my personal experience, years of deep training and pure love. It has lit a fire within me and I know it is part of my lifetime purpose to provide this for you and other women. I am so excited to invite you to join us.
You are the woman who appears confident on the outside but secretly judges yourself and compares your body and looks to others.
You are tired of spending so much emotional and mental energy on your body and image.
On a bad day you can look in the mirror and spiral into negative emotions, thoughts and beliefs.
You are ready to stop punishing yourself with exercise, food, emotional eating or hiding your body when you feel shame.
You want to feel true inner confidence that goes beyond any number on the scale or image you see.
You want to feel the power of being a woman, own your worth, and activate that magnetic and radiant energy inside-out.
You want the freedom to enjoy the food you love, move your body with joy and experience all the pleasures of life without worrying about how it will affect your body.
NOTE: This is for you if you feel uncomfortable in your skin no matter what age, shape, size or colour of skin you are. Whether you are child free, feel the pressure of having the perfect pregnancy body, or ¨bouncing back¨ postpartum, you are all welcome here. The tools you will learn are not only the essential for this topic, but help you navigate all the challenges of life including relationship triggers, insecurities at work and managing stress.
The most powerful healing tools to stop negative cycles and soothe your negative emotions and triggers.
A deep understanding of the root causes and key factors that impact your relationship to your body.
A new found love and appreciation for your body and a radiant energy that isn’t just because of how you look, but of how good you feel within.
An unshakeable worthiness and confidence that is not defined by a number on a scale or what you see in the mirror.
A sisterhood of women and lifelong friendships who understand your struggles, support you and celebrate you fully on this journey.
Plus lifetime access to the sessions, tools, materials and guided visualisations to continue expanding your true confidence beyond the program itself.
Weekly coaching calls with myself (1.5 hours each) to learn transformative tools and techniques to heal your relationship to your body. Plus time for personal coaching and Q&A. Calls will be recorded if you can not attend a session.
Personalised handbooks featuring step-by-step processes, healing exercises and journal prompts to deepen your growth and use anytime you need a boost.
Lifetime access to a library of empowering visualisations and healing meditations to soothe triggers and step into your most confident self.
A supportive sisterhood of women for connection, healing and friendship, with a platform for sharing and encouragement throughout the program.
PLUS EXTRA BONUSES: Bonus material and 3 surprise expert guest sessions from Women´s Health Coach Denisa, Women´s Empowerment Coach Monika, and a special breathwork facilitator to enhance and expand your transformation.
Weekly Modules
1. Discover The Root
Identify the root causes and the hidden stories in our subconscious. We will debunk the beauty myths and strip away the disempowering beliefs keeping you stuck.
2. Heal From Within:
Learn how to finally heal the root cause within, through IFS and Inner Child healing. Release old stuck emotions and become your own source of wisdom and support.
3. Brave Loving Action
Break free of the pattern that seeks validation and approval outside of yourself to feel confident. Activate the deepest sense of self-love and worth that you deserve.
4. Emotional Mastery
Become the master of your own mind and nervous system as you learn how to manage your triggers and stop the negative cycles of thoughts and emotions.
5. Unshakeable Worth:
Time to release any old shame or guilt from the old relationship to your body and experience true freedom and appreciation for the body and skin you’re in right now.
6. Magnetic Radiance
Activate the powerful feminine archetypes of The Wild Woman & The Lover to reclaim the power of being a woman. Allow your sensual and confident energy to radiate inside-out.
The journey we will take together...
Each week you will be guided by myself through a full holistic healing experience to release any shame and negative thoughts so you can radiate confidence and experience all the pleasures and joys of life that you deserve.
In this sacred safe space, free of judgement, you can come and be exactly as you are. Connecting, sharing, and healing with other supportive women. You'll leave with new lifelong friendships to continue growing and cheering each other along in this life.
Imagine no more worries about if you’re beach body ready, insecurities when dating, being intimate with your partner or social events. Your confidence will permeate beyond judgements, thoughts and triggers. This is not another self-help book or quick mindset tips that act as a temporary relief before the next trigger. These are the true empowering tools I wish every girl growing up could experience, so she could never forget just how worthy and powerful she is. Sadly, most of us didn’t get this. So the next best time is now.
It is our right to remember our worth and the inner freedom that lives within. Let´s break this pattern of women feeling insecure, uncomfortable or unworthy together. Join this fierce revolution of deep self-love as we reclaim our true power as women.
There are options to pay in full or apply for the payment plan.
Contact me for full details for the next cohort:
Your questions answered.
Any further questions or doubts I will answer via email or set up a free 20-minute call, contact me:
All sessions will be recorded and available to you within 24 hours for you to watch anytime. You will have access to these for life.
Don´t worry this is a normal feeling to have at first, many women who join my groups or retreats at first feel this way. Then they realise how powerful and joyful it is. I always ensure you feel safe and open to share as much or as little as you like. This work is so much more powerful with other women as we begin to release any shame and comparison, we swap competition for celebration and form beautiful connections and friendships.
I feel you. There was a stage when I felt more comfortable in my body compared to before, yet I knew there was more. Underneath even subtly there were judgmental thoughts and still using exercise and food as a necessity to ensure I maintained my weight and feared my body changing and ageing. There are new levels of freedom and appreciation for all of us. If you still have doubts, send me an email at and we can set up a free 20 minute call.
This is the only dates planned to run this program. If you are feeling the call and the curiosity, now is your time to join. You can re-watch all the sessions and materials anytime you desire.